How is it already the middle of October? This month is flying by!
Since posting my October study goals, my motivation levels have been all over the place. I am going to be completely honest with this mid-month study update and I refuse to make excuses for my slow pace. I am somewhat embarrassed to share my lack of progress but I want to include both failures and successes on this blog. I hope that you can be encouraged by knowing that you’re not the only one who struggles!

Goal – I follow several Taiwanese bloggers on Facebook. I will read one blog post per week.
Progress – I haven’t read any blog posts. I have been skimming Facebook posts but have not done any real reading.
Goal – Write four posts on HelloTalk and review all corrections.
Progress – Nothing.
Goal – Open my mouth and speak Chinese.
Progress – Nothing. I tried and failed. I have another language exchange call tomorrow.
Goal – Spend one hour listening to podcasts without using subtitles (in either Chinese or English).
Progress – Nothing.
Study materials
Goal – Catch up on Anki flashcards. I am so far behind! Complete one lesson from my Beginning Chinese textbook.
Progress – Nothing.

Goal – Find someone to follow on Facebook who posts in Japanese. Read four Facebook posts and add two new vocabulary words to my Anki deck.
Progress – I have a Facebook friend who speaks Japanese. I’ve been skimming her posts, looking for words I know. I haven’t added any new vocabulary to Anki.
Goal – Post four times on HelloTalk and learn from all corrections.
Progress – Nothing.
Goal – I don’t have a speaking goal as my ability to craft sentences is currently extremely weak. Maybe record myself speaking basic greetings just to get in the habit of using Japanese.
Progress – My husband and I are starting to use a few Japanese words interspersed in conversation. Yesterday I wished him a happy birthday in Japanese.
Goal – Continue immersion in Japanese music.
Progress – Good! I listen to a lot of j-pop and I’m constantly listening for words and phrases I can understand.
Study materials
Goal – Catch up on Anki. My kana flashcard deck is seriously behind. Study one chapter from my Japanese textbook.
Progress – I caught up on all of my Japanese flashcards!! I haven’t touched my textbook.

The past few days, I have been spending time reviewing katakana. While watching Tokyo livestreams, I try to read the signs in the background. I’ve realized that my katakana is extremely rusty and I need to relearn some of the characters. So I’ve been focusing on katakana and how to pronounce each character.
Even though my study is off to a slow start this month, there is still plenty of time to make progress! Including today, there are still 17 days remaining in October. I’m going to continue working on katakana memorization and prioritize studying from my Japanese textbook.
How is your study progress going? Are you struggling with motivation or are you making tons of progress this month? Let me know! I’d love to cheer you on.
がんばって! 加油! Good luck!